A large bath towel (I found that Target and Kohl's had the best selection)
Matching thread
Matching DMC floss (found in the needlework area of JoAnn's)
Large bag of batting
Sew up both sides and the bottom of the towel, leaving a small opening to stuff in the batting. The towel moved alot on me when I was sewing so I started with the sides starting at the end and sewing toward the fold - this way you can't tell if it's a little off. I left an opening at the bottom in the middle. Once you have the batting in, stitch up the opening. Take the DMC floss and make "darts" throughout the towel by going down and coming up close to the same spot. Tie with a sqare knot and wahlah - you are done! (I just eyeballed where I did my darts and it isn't great so please don't look too close! )
This turned out so cute! I couldn't really picture it when you were talking about it, but now I see why you wanted to make one. I'll be making one of these. Thanks!
That is such a great idea. I wish I had a sewing machine so I could make one.
This is so cute! What a great idea.
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